Picnic Table

When picnic tables are new they are beautiful accessories
 for a Rolls-Royce  interior. However, like many things, 
when they have problems, those problems  completely detract 
from that same interior.     The before pictures on this 
page of a 1980s Silver Spur show an extreme case  of   
de-lamination and expose part of the problems that contribute 
to the  cracking of the finish. In addition to the 
de-lamination of the wood strata,  because of the hollow 
nature of construction, there is unwanted movement  that 
adds to the cracked veneer and finish failure.  
Our solution, as always, is to go to the root of the 
problem before taking  corrective measures. By drilling 
holes and filling the interior with high  density foam, 
the table can be stabilized prior to veneering.     
Only after the corrective surgery can the cosmetic work 
of veneer and finish  proceed.    



New Veneer